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Åsted Å
Åsted Å is a small stream which runs through Åsted Ådal reserve.
You can fish from Lindet to Kvissel for river trout, rainbow trout, brown trout, roaches (rutilus) and eels.
Catch options: Brook trout, Sea trout, Rainbow trout, Eel
You can fish from Lindet to Kvissel for river trout, rainbow trout, brown trout, roaches (rutilus) and eels.
Catch options: Brook trout, Sea trout, Rainbow trout, Eel
Administration: Lystfiskerforeningen for Frederikshavn og omegn.
Recommendations: If using worms for bait you must use a 4/0 hook. Licens fore fishing at the stream can be bought in Frederikshavn.