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Authors, painters and other celebrities in Løkken

The tour will is conducted in Danish Come on a guided tour of Løkken's streets when Per Brønnum Wilhelmsen tells about celebrities, writers and painters who lived in Løkken.

Walk in the footsteps of some of Løkken's most memorible people. Cand. mag.Per Brønnum Wilhelmsen tells about celebrities, writers and painters who lived in Løkken.

Hear about the writers Thomas Olesen Løkken and Knud Holst, the painters Christian Valentinussen and Erik Larsen and other famous Løkken citizens who have had roads named after them, as well as holidaymakers who have meant something to Løkken.

The tour starts from Løkken Museum.

Tour guide: Cand. mag. Per Brønnum Wilhelmsen.

Price: adults/children DKK 30 (incl. ticket to the museum).