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Bryrup Langsø

Around Bryrup Langsø you will find a beautiful marked trail, 3.5 km.

The area around Lake Bryrup Langsø – a total of 124 hectares – became a conservation area in 1985. Lake Bryrup Langsø was created during the last Ice Age, when the meltwater carved out large tunnel valleys as it flowed to the west. There is a marked trail of around 3 km along the southern part of the lake. And if you feel like it, you can add another 1.5 km to the trail and walk around the beautiful Lake Karlsø as well. From the Grenen vantage point, there is a lovely view of the whole area.

There is lots of interesting wildlife to see along the way. On the lake, you will find coots, mallards and great crested grebes. Along the lakeside, you can see lizards, grass snakes, adders and sand lizards. Growing around the lake are reeds, yellow iris, heather, crowberries and bent grass. Download a map of the area here.

See the current water temperature here.

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