Buses - Local and international
SWEBUS Express offers frequent services around Scandinavia. Pick up a time-table and buy a ticket at the Visitors Centre. For further information please call: 0046 8 546 300 00 (in Sweden) or check www.swebusexpress.se.
To Malmø in Sweden
Buses to Malmø in Sweden (999) frequently from the Central Station, Nørreport Station, and Kongens Nytorv. The trip takes 60 mins. Fantastic views from the Øresund Bridge. Buses tend to be cheaper than trains. Bus tickets can be bought on the bus or at the Visitors Centre. Fares DKK 100 for a day-ticket.
Local Buses
In the Greater Copenhagen Area, you can transfer freely between buses, Metro, trains and the yellow "harbour bus" using the same tickets and discount cards.
Regular tickets can be purchased from vending machines at stations, ticket offices and on buses from the driver. Only Danish currency is accepted. On buses only cash - the drivers carry only small change.
Copenhagen is divided into transport zones. The centre of the city and the inner suburbs of Frederiksberg, Østerbro, Vesterbro, Christianshavn, and Islands Brygge are all located within zones 1 and 2. This means that when travelling around the city by public transport, you basically need a 2-zone ticket (DKK24).
If you are travelling anywhere outside the centre or inner suburbs, you need to purchase extra zones. When going from the centre to the airport, you need 3 zones.
It is also possible to by clip-cards/multi-ride cards for two or more zones. These include 10 journeys. You save approximately 30%.
There is also the possibility of a city pass. It comes in two versions: one for 24 hours at the price of DKK 80 and one for 72 hours at the price of DKK190. They cover zones 1-4.
A 24-hour travel card entitles you to unlimited travel in the Greater Copenhagen Area/All zones (DKK130).
The city passes and the 24-hour travel card are available at the Visitors Centre or at train stations.
Alternatively, you can purchase a Copenhagen Card valid for all travel within the Greater Copenhagen Area. There are two types of CPH Card: valid 24 hours or valid 72 hours. Ask your hotel reception or visit us at the Visitors Centre.
A-buses are easy to recognise, they have red markings at the top front corner and an "A" before the bus-number. These buses do not have time tables as such as they run non-stop during the day. Many bus-stops are fitted with computerized schedules, so you can tell how long you have to wait before the next A-bus arrives.
Harbour Bus
The harbour bus plies the harbour of Copenhagen connecting the Black Diamond (Royal Library), Nyhavn, the Opera House, and Nordre Toldbod. If you have tickets for the Opera House, the Harbour Bus offers scenic views and a quick service. There are extra services between the Opera and Nyhavn before and after performances at the Opera’s Big Stage.
Night Buses
There are night buses every night connecting different areas in and around Copenhagen. Services are particularly frequent nights after Fridays and Saturdays. Ticket fares are normal fare.
Sightseeing Buses
All sightseeing buses leave from Vesterbrogade 6, outside Hotel Royal Copenhagen. For further information, please see the Sightseeing section.
Rest of Denmark
Several buses run from Copenhagen to Jutland and Bornholm.
The Bornholmerbussen starts from the Central Station outside Plaza Hotel. You can pick up a timetable at the Visitors Centre.
To Århus, Randers and Ålborg, Abildskou runs several buses daily from Valby Station. Bus fares are somewhat lower than train-fares. Tickets can be bought on the bus. It is a good idea to pre-book when travelling during weekends.
Please call 70 21 08 88 for further information.