The Circle Bridge
Bridge and architectural landmark on the harbourfront.
Probably the most beautiful bridge in Copenhagen, Cirkelbroen is on the harbour in Christianshavn. Designed by Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson, it recalls the shape of ships from years gone by.
The design uses five masts and resembles a ship by the quay as a reference to Copenhagen’s shipping history. It also has of five differently sized circular platforms, for which the bridge is named. On a larger scale, the circle refers to the circle drawn by the inner city of Copenhagen, which the bridge helps to complete by connecting the Christiansbro area to Appelbys Plads. It opens in a graceful movement when ships want to pass by, with the circular platforms moving apart to let them through.
An artist-designed bridge
Behind the design of the bridge is world-renowned and award-winning Danish-Islandic Olafur Eliasson. During his career as an artist, he has held solo exhibitions in Copenhagen, New York and Berlin among many other places, and of course, he has made many installations, artworks and architectural design all over the world, now including Cirkelbroen.
In August 2015, the bridge Cirkelbroen opened for public use, making everyday life easier for Copenhagen’s biking commuters by connecting Christiansbro and Appelbys Plads. The bridge encourages bicycles and pedestrians to reduce their speed and just take a small break on their journey and enjoy the view.