Elbodalen Valley
Elbodalen (the Elbo Valley) is a significant formation of landscape created by the water flow back in the tertiary period and modeled by ice and melt water in subsequent ice ages. The valley has up to 40 m high slopes which one passes by when approaching Fredericia from the west.
On the western side of the valley are two distinctive side valleys Østdal and Mølleådalen. Especially Mølleådalen (Mill Stream Valley) carries cultural memories from the days when water power was an important source of energy in Denmark. There are still remnants of four named mills along the Mill Stream at a distance of only 5 km. Gammelby Mill is beautifully restored.
Elbodalen is Fredericia's largest natural area and stretches from Gudsø Vig in the south to Vejle Fjord in the north. At the bottom of the valley runs the creek Spang Å. Because of the varied landscape with both wet and dry areas it is home to a rich flora and fauna.
In Elbodalen you'll find several scenic sites, among other the Kongsted Lakes. Elbodalen also offers fine walking and cycling trails.