The Farm Shop Månsson
Visit Axel Månsson A/S - one of the biggest producers of ecological vegetables and eggs in Denmark.
The farm shop is a well-stocked shopping opportunity for ecological food, but also an excursion spot where you can enjoy a cup of coffee, buy an ice cream from Engmark or an apple juice from a local breeder, while you look at the life in a chicken run or the busyness in a modern gardening.
You will find a wide range of ecological food. The selection is continuously extending and varies by season. The backbone of the selection is fresh and ecological eggs and vegetables from private production. At summer the selection extends with herbs, edible flowers and a big variation of new and old sorts of vegetables from the demo garden. Therefore, you can always find new and exciting products in the farm shop that are not possible to find anywhere else.
Opening hours:
All days of the year between 07.00 and 20.00.
You can also book a guided tour around the company. Follow the activities on Axel Månsson A/S Facebook and Instagram profile - or read more on www.maanssons.dk
Contact: post@maanssons.dk
Phone.: 9718 2221
You can find more information about Månsson by clicking here.