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Fishing at Lake Nordborg Sø

The 56.3 hectare lake is located in a tunnel valley and measures 8.5 metres at its deepest point.

Nordborg Lake is owned by the association, Idrætsfonden for Nordals and members of the angling club, Nordborg Sportsfiskerforening and those who redeem the lake's fishinglicence have access to the fishing.

Fishstock: Zander, perch, eel, pike and carp.

Carps are catch and release and must be gently released back into the water - See the leaflet with rules, minimum sizes and catch limits at www.sportsforeningen-nordborg.dk

A fishinglicence for the lake Nordborg Sø can be purchased at the sports centre Nordals Idrætscenter, Nordborg Guld & Sølv and at Sønderborg Tourist Office. Price per day DKK 60, per week DKK 300 and per year DKK 600.

Nordborg Lake is connected to the sea and the rules of the state fishing licence must be kept see www.fisketegn.dk

Parking is available at Johan Hansens Plads in Nordborg, at Kildespringvej on the north side and at Søvej by Langesø.