Glenstrup Lake and angling
Glenstrup Lake
Glenstrup Lake is 4-5 kilometers long and lies in an east-west direction, making it very sensitive to wind. The lake has 3 peninsulas, allowing fishing from a boat, no matter which direction the wind is coming from. However, it's best if it comes from a northerly or southerly direction. The lake is shallow in Søhalsen – the outlet to the west – while it is deeper and more rocky towards the east. Be careful not to run aground on Glenstrup Peninsula, which extends far before disappearing into the depths.
Glenstrup Lake is part of the Skals Å watershed. It lies in a long tunnel valley stretching from the area just south of Mariager Fjord near Kastbjerg, through Glenstrup Lake, to Tjele Langsø. The valley was formed by flowing meltwater under the kilometer-thick ice sheet of the ice age, which carved out the lake in the surrounding moraine hills. Glenstrup Lake is the 3rd largest lake in Northern Jutland (384 hectares) and is also one of Denmark's deepest lakes with a maximum depth of about 35 meters.
Groundwater emerges as springs and wells in many places along the shore and slopes towards the lake. The phenomenon is due to water movements from the hillsides around the lake, combined with water-retaining clay layers in the subsoil. In addition to the well-known sacred springs Marekilde and Torekilde in Glenstrup, there are hundreds of large and small springs around the lake. When the lake is frozen, holes along the shore indicate that the springs also exist on the lake bed. The spring water is 7-8 degrees Celsius warm all year round.
Fishing in Glenstrup Lake
Glenstrup Lake, located parallel to Mariager Fjord just south of Hobro, is the largest lake in Northern Jutland.
The lake lies in the tunnel valley created by melting ice, stretching from Kastbjerg, through Glenstrup, and further to Tjele Langsø.
The lake offers fantastic scenery and rich bird and fish life, making it a very attractive fishing spot. Fish species in the lake include brown trout, pike, perch, and tench.
The stock of brown trout originates from the original strain in Skals Å, and many beautiful brown trout have been caught over the years, including one weighing almost 8 kilograms back in 1987. The minimum size for brown trout is 40 cm, and the fish are protected from November 16th to January 15th.
Pike are also caught in large numbers and in decent sizes. The capricious and voracious predatory fish have a minimum size of 60 cm and are protected in April when they spawn.
Perch also eagerly bite on most types of bait and can reach a really nice size in Glenstrup Lake. There are no minimum sizes or protection periods for this tasty fish.
Tench is also a fantastic eating fish. Tench primarily inhabit the eastern end of the lake and are easiest to catch in winter when there are ice winters and ice fishing can be practiced. Tench have a minimum size of 36 cm and are protected from November 1st to January 31st – so even though fishing is best in winter, the protection must be respected.
Protected seasons and minimum size for the fish:
Fish | Proteced season | Minimum size |
Trout | 16/11 - 15/1 | 40 cm. |
Pickerel | 1/4 - 30/4 | 60 cm |
White Fish | 1/11 - 31/1 | 36 cm |
Perch | None | None |
Eel | Not allowed to catch | - |
Regulations and rules for fishing in Glenstrup Lake
- Anyone wishing to fish on Glenstrup Lake must, in addition to the mandatory state fishing license, have a fishing permit for Glenstrup Lake.
- The fishing permit is personal and only valid during the specified times. The permit must always be carried and presented upon request to any landowner as well as to the area's fishery officers.
- Signs as well as protected and prohibited areas must be respected. The distance to landowners' fishing gear must be at least 25 meters. The permit holder must ensure themselves that there is legal access to the areas used. Entry and stay are prohibited in the areas marked in red on the map.
- Only fishing with rod and line is allowed in Glenstrup Lake. Maximum 2 fishing rods per person. No other fishing gear may be used.
- Fishing for eels in Glenstrup Lake is not allowed. Theft from landowners' traps will be reported to the police.
- When sailing, necessary consideration must be shown, and sailing speed must not exceed 5 knots.
- For the sake of bird life, sailing and fishing must not be closer than 25 meters to reed areas and shores.
- Boats may only be launched with the permission of the landowners. Landowners inform guests on the lake about the lake's rules.
- The minimum size for trout in Glenstrup Lake is 40 cm. Minimum sizes and closed seasons for other fish are specified in the current provisions of the freshwater fishing law.
- Help take good care of the lake and the landowners' property. Never remove fences or lines. Never leave bottles, cans, or fishing gear - neither on the shore nor in the lake.
Fishing Permit for Glenstrup Lake
Fishing permits can be purchased at the following locations:
- MB Jagt and Fiskeri, Erhvervsparken 1, 9500 Hobro 98 55 70 28
- Jens Peter Hansen (when renting a holiday home) Glenstrup Søvej 59 8990 Fårup
- Martin Roloff Glenstrup Søvej 18 8990 Fårup 86 45 22 38
Fishing permits can also be purchased via online banking. The online banking receipt is valid as a fishing permit. Payment must be made to: sort code 9319 account 0002405334
Prices for fishing permits:
- Day pass: DKK 60,-
- Weekly pass: DKK 250,-
- Half-year pass: DKK 350,-
- Annual pass: DKK 500,-
- Pensioners and children under 15 are free
The above information is from Glenstrupsø.dk - you can also find further information here: GlenstrupSø.dk.