The peninsula Gyllingnæs is located south of Odder at the mouth of Horsens Fjord. You can walk along the western shore of the peninsula to the tip Kalsenakke where a great view of the East Jutland archipelago awaits.
The big peninsula in Horsens Fjord
South of Odder there is a large rural area. The village Gylling marks the start of this peaceful and to many unknown peninsula. Most of the area is covered in fields and farms, and since there are no villages, it is a peaceable and immersive experience to walk or ride on the roads. A large portion of the peninsula is owned by the manor Gyllingnæs. The manor itself is located at the southwestern coast with a lovely view facing southwest.
On a hike at the coast
In the village Lerdrup there is a gravel road leading south along Lerdrup Bay. A small parking lot is found here near the westernmost point of the peninsula. Here, the water is very shallow and in principle you can walk through the water to the adjacent island Alrø, but for safety reasons this is not recommended. Instead, you can start your walk here along the coast to the southern tip of Gyllingnæs, Kalsenakke. The surface is primarily stony beach and proprer footwear is required. But you will be rewarded with lovely nature and a beautiful view. En route you will pass the impressive manor. For the last part of the walk to Kalsenakke, you will follow the forest Kalsehoved. Here, you can choose to walk along the coast on your way to the tip and through the forest further inland when you head back.
The walk to the tip and back is approximately 9 kilometres long. The parking lot at the start is also one of the best places to watch the sunset in the coastal lands.
It is not possible to continue along the east coast. Around Horskær on the eastside (at the end of the road Lilienvej) you can reach the salty meadows and go for a short walk, which is certainly worth a visit. But only from September to February since the meadows is a significant bird breeding location.
A coastal fishing hotspot
Gyllingnæs is a great place for coastal fishing. Depending on the wind and weather you can choose to fish in the quiet and shallow Lerdrup Bay to the west or at the ocean to the east. There are gravel banks stretching 100 metres into the ocean near the manor, and from here, you have a good chance of a catch. Another good spot is at Horskær at the end of Lilienborgvej.
Gyllingnæs Manor
The significant manor, Gyllingnæs, is one of the newest of the manors in the Odder area. The manor was founded by the Englishman John Smith who (according to legend) had a history of piracy. Today, Gyllingnæs is owned by the successful businessman Troels Holch Povlsen.