Harre Bjerg - 4,8 km
A trip along the beach, through small forests, along remnants of the oksevejen, past a church ruin and one of Denmark's most beautifully located golf courses.
Walk along the beach, forest and golf courses, 4.8 km
A trip along the beach, through small forests, along remnants of the oksevejen, past a church ruin and one of Denmark's most beautifully located golf courses.
Harre Vig
On the ridges at Harre Vig several burial mounds exist. Within earlier mounds, graves from the Neolithic single-grave culture and dagger age as well as from the Bronze Age have been discovered. The area around Harre Vig is, with its sparsely community settlement, its diverse landscape and the many recorded discoveries, suitable for illuminating the development of settlements through ages. The beach next to Harre Vig´s car park is appropriate for swimming and approved as a Blue Flag beach. If you urge to go fishing, there are decent opportunities inside the creek.
When in season and with some luck, you can catch eel, hornfish, herring and sea trout. Likewise, is it possible to collect mussels and oysters everywhere in the Limfjord which you safely can eat from the fjord. However, a rule of thumb states that mussels should not be eaten in the months of May, June, July and August. Along the beach there are diversity of plants, including tansy and caraway (snap weed), snails and rosehip. Unfortunately, the rosehip spreads so forcefully that it affects the coastal nature making it poorer in both flora and fauna.
Kapeldalen and “Vor Frue Kirke”
The hollow road still in use and going by the name Kapeldalen was used in the Middle Ages as a stud road from Pinen ferry station past Hjerk to Balling and Kjærgårdsholm. In Kapeldalen was a romantic chapel "Vor Frue Kirke". The story of the creation of the chapel is told: "Once upon a time, many years ago, an immeasurable rich noble lady drove along the deep hollow road west of the town of Harre. There, she was in serious danger of her life, and in her distress, she called on Our Lord for support, and for giving increase to the prayer, she added a promise to "build a house in honor of the Mother of God", by the old hollow road. Our Lord was helping the noble lady, and she also kept her promise and built a church or chapel by the road about 300 meters prior to reaching Harre Vig."
Harre Vig Golfklub
Harre Vig Golf Club was launched with support of sponsorship from several local companies and opened in August 1997. The golf course is probably one of Denmark's most beautifully located, with a view of Harre Vig from plenty of the holes. Related to the establishment of the golf course, extensive natural restoration occurred, including release of watercourses. A path system through wild forest and bogs connects the greens and tees. You are allowed to go for a walk and enjoy nature on the golf course but must stay on the paths and watch out for flying golf balls.
The nausts at Harre Bjerg
Naust is an Old Norse origin for a ship's boathouse, a shed or house by the lake, for which the ships was kept during the winter. On the beach are two nausts exist which were examined by the National Museum in 1958 who dated it back to the Viking Age or early Middle Ages. The nausts are seen as two long mound of earths, 0.5 meter high and 28 meters long with opening towards the fjord. The ships were probably pulled up by wooden rollers followed by support from wooden stakes or similar and then covered with wooden boards. Hence, during the winter ships have been protected from the weather and wind.
Harre Nor
The arm of the fjord is overgrown with reeds in a wide belt along the beach. Inside Harre Nor is an old, decommissioned pumping station and an idyllically located small lake has been established close to the deciduous forest, which extends all the way down to the reeds.