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Horse shows in Sagaland

Come and experience two horse shows in Sagaland, "The Knights Save Time" and "They're Crazy - The Romans."

THE KNIGHTS SAVE TIME (Tuesday - Thursday and Sunday at 12:00)
What's all the commotion down at the tournament grounds? Could it be the swineherd luring kisses from the princess? No, it's the knights in competition. Watch as the two knights in their shining armor ride in on their magnificent warhorses. It's none other than Knight Ole and Knight Saga. One is strong and swift, the other is cunning and agile. They clash swords and hurl spears, but to determine the bravest knight, a true jousting match is needed. They charge at each other, attempting to strike with their long lances. The lance shatters against the knight's shield. Who will emerge victorious? In this tale where anything is possible, time stands still. Only a courageous knight can set time in motion again.

After the show, everyone is welcome in the stable to pet the horses, try on real knight armor, and chat with Knight Ole about historical facts.

THEY'RE CRAZY - THE ROMANS (Tuesday - Thursday and Sunday at 14:00)
Let's journey back in time approximately 2000 years. In this horse show, a Roman soldier demonstrates ancient horseback combat techniques. He shows how one could ride before stirrups and modern saddles were invented. He demonstrates various weapons like swords, spears, and especially bows and arrows. But now, Caesar has a strategy! Gaul has been conquered by the Romans, except for one small village high in the north. Here reside the indomitable and invincible gallant Gauls, whom the Romans have yet to subdue. It's not easy being a Roman legionnaire in these parts. Caesar has ordered another attack on this Gaulish village, this time employing the cavalry. Will our Roman warrior manage to conquer the brave Gauls today?

After the show, everyone is welcome in the stable to pet the horses, try on real knight armor, and chat with Knight Ole about historical facts.

The two horse shows "The Knights Save Time" and "They're Crazy - The Romans" will be performed on the following dates:

  • JUNE: 23 - 25 - 27 - 30
  • JULY: 2 - 4 - 7 - 9 - 11 - 14 - 16 - 18 - 21 - 23 - 25 - 28 - 30
  • AUGUST: 1 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 11 - 13 - 15

ATTENTION! Please note that there are more dates for these shows than what is shown further down the page

Buy an entrance ticket to Sagaland, and in addition to the HORSE SHOWS, you'll also have free access to the ELF SEARCH, MYSTERY HUNT and much more throughout the day.
The ticket is also valid as a season pass, so you can come back as often as you like.

SAGALAND is open every day from 10 am to 4 pm. From June 23rd to August 16th, 2024. However, closed every Saturday.