The Little Belt Cycling Route 103.3 km
The natural splendours of the Little Belt 103,3 km (171,9 km incl. Christiansfeld)
The Little Belt is treasured for its unique landscape formed during the ice age. The narrow strait winds between the island of Fyn and the Jutland peninsula connecting the Baltic with Kattegat.
The tour takes you round the Little Belt, and the three major cities Middelfart, Fredericia and Kolding and Christiansfeld, a Unesco World Heritage city. The cycling is comfortable, with only few hills and max length of 33.6 km.
You start at Middelfart, where you can try Bridgewalking and Whale Watching. You cycle across the Belt to Fredericia and the historic ramparts, past beaches and hills to Kolding and the impressive Kolding Hus Castle. Final stop is at the picturesque World Cultural Heritage Site Christiansfeld, founded by Moravian monks who knew how to make perfect ginger bread cakes.
Under "Links" at the bottom of the page you will find a link to the route in Naviki. Here you can register as a user, after which you can enter the route and save it under "my routes". Then you can download the Naviki app and open up and find the route under "my routes" to follow the route.
The stages of the trip are:
Middelfart – Fredericia (Severin to Trinity) 33.2 km
Fredericia – Kolding (Trinity to Comwell) 37.1 km
Kolding – Middelfart (Comwell to Severin) 36.3 km
Optional Tour: Bridgewalking, Deers and Ceramics 13,5 km
Optional Tour: Renaissance interiors to Modern Danish Design (13,5 km)
Optional Tour: Kolding – Christiansfeld 70 km
Total Lillebælt route incl. Christiansfeld 176,5km
The Lillebælt route excl. Christiansfeld 106,6 km
- Bridgewalking – 60 meters above sea level on the Old Little Belt Bridge.
- Whale Watching – The Little Belt has a large population of harbour porpoises, often spotted from the coast.
- CLAY Ceramic Museum Denmark – has one of Europe’s most outstanding collections of ceramic art, porcelain and stoneware donated from Royal Copenhagen, as well as contemporary ceramics.
- The Old and the New Little Belt Bridges.
- Fredericia’s Ramparts and the Fredericia townscape
- Trapholt Museum with contemporary design and art with many of the famous Danish furniture designers.
- Koldinghus – Royal renaissance castle, today a museum with interiors from 1500s until present day, as well as changing exhibitions.
- Christiansfeld – World Cultural Heritage city founded in 1773 by the Herrenhuters.
- Ginger Bread – made in Christiansfeld since 1783
- Skamlingsbanken - popular and significant national meeting point since 1843
Suggested detours for Groups only
- Indslev Bryggeri – Local Micro Brewery. High-end beer range.
- MoDaVi – Danish vineyard which has received several awards for their wines.