Løkken Museum
The town museum in the captain’s house.
Løkken Museum focuses on trade, history, crafts and tourism.
The museum is located in a boat captain’s house, Johanne Grønbechs Hus, which was built around 1860 by captain Thomaas Grønbech. Find out more about the history of the boat trading and the beach town of Løkken.
History room
The first room deals with the story of Løkken’s development, with the main emphasis on the boat trading era. A model illustrating the working conditions in the boat trade in the Løkken area is located in the middle of the room. The kitchen and scullery date back to around 1900.
In the garden there’s an old beach hut containing an exhibition about bathing in Løkken. Løkken Miniby is made up of Løkken houses from around the year 1900.