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The North Sea Trail, Hadsund - Lille Vildmose

Going on a hike? Follow The North Sea Trail and experience a part of the Danish cultural history. Go hiking in the wonderful historical surroundings by between Hadsund and Lille Vildmose and experience the amazing nature with creeks and a great animal- and wildlife etc.

On the hiking route of approximately 48 km from Hadsund in the south to Lille Vildmose in the north, you can experience both history, culture, and magnificent nature.

From Hadsund to Lille Vildmose

Starting from Hadsund Bridge, which is the only bridge crossing the Mariager Fjord, your hiking journey is off to a good start. Here, the route moves eastward behind the fjord embankments, passing by Havnø Mølle. The mill, dating back to 1842, is the oldest continuously functioning windmill in Northern Jutland and is open every Wednesday during the summer period, as well as on special mill days. Close to the mill lies Havnø Manor.

Continuing eastward, the North Sea Trail winds through forests and beautiful scenery before reaching the town of Als on the East Coast.

The magnificent course of the North Sea Trail along the East Coast offers fantastic nature experiences and views - enjoy, for example, the unique view over the Kattegat from Als Kirkebakke.

The area around Als boasts rich wildlife and is an important resting and foraging site for many wading birds, diving ducks, geese, and terns. The light-bellied brent goose has a wildlife reserve in Mariager Fjord as an important wintering site.

Additionally, the area is characterized by special natural features, such as rare orchids, fish, and animals like otters and harbor seals.


The journey continues towards Øster Hurup and the high bog

Along the East Coast's white sandy beaches, the North Sea Trail heads north towards the holiday town of Øster Hurup. The area around Helberskov, Als, and Øster Hurup is a typical holiday home area where thousands of tourists choose to spend their vacations every year.

After a visit to Øster Hurup Harbor, the journey continues inland towards Northern Europe's largest high bog. The area around Tofte Skov and Lille Vildmose epitomizes nature and is an experience in itself.

The bog area holds a lot of history and is undoubtedly a fantastic area with rich flora and fauna. Here, the golden eagle soars above the treetops, and if you're lucky, you might spot a red deer or perhaps an elk - Lille Vildmose is the only place in Denmark where elk live in the wild.

If you want to know more about the fantastic area around Lille Vildmose, the Lille Vildmose Visitor Center is definitely worth a visit!

The North Sea Trail continues north towards Skagen, but before that, you can make a stop at Mulbjergene and enjoy the fantastic view over the Kattegat to the east and Lille Vildmose to the west.


Follow the North Sea Trail south of Mariager Fjord

In the area south of Mariager Fjord, the North Sea Trail runs from Udbyhøj Harbor to Hadsund South. Learn more about this route here!