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The North Sea Trail, Udbyhøj - Hadsund

The North Sea Trail takes you through a part of the Danish cultural history. Go hiking in the wonderful historical surroundings on the trail between Udbyhøj and Hadsund and experience the amazing nature with creeks, wildlife etc.  

In the area south of Mariager Fjord, the North Sea Trail runs from Udbyhøj Harbor north to Hadsund. Here it continues north of the fjord past AlsØster Hurup and up to Lille Vildmose

From Udbyhøj to Hadsund

On the trail going from Udbyhøj in the south to Hadsund up north, you will pass several historical monuments. To mention a few, you will see the old estate Herregården Demstrup by Demstrup Huse, the church Dalbyneder Kirke and an old mill called Lyshøj Mølle.

On the way to Lyshøj Mølle you can go to the hill “morænebakken” and enjoy the spectacular view of the flat landscape and beautiful nature.

Following the trail you’ll experience some amazing wildlife. The trail takes you through a part of Kastbjerg Ådal – where several streams are connected to each other – and with a path, so it is possible for hikers to walk along the idyllic streams.

Going on, you can either continue on the North Sea Trail or follow the alternative route. On the alternative route you’ll pass the historical estate Trudsholm and go through the nature area by Ajstrup.

If you stay on the North Sea Trail (along the old railroad) you will go through Norup and the gorge towards Mariager Fjord. Here you’ll end up at Å Mølle (an old water mill) before continuing to Hadsund, where you can pass the Hadsund Bridge – the only bridge that crosses Mariager Fjord.

On the other side of the fjord, the North Sea Trail continues going east towards Øster Hurup and Lille Vildmose.


Visit the city of Roses – Mariager

A few kilometer west of the trail you will find the old charming town, Mariager. Here the houses are timber framed, the streets are cobblestoned and the atmosphere is romantic and cozy. Take a stroll through the beautiful and historic city and see for yourself why the city is known to be the city of roses!