Old Varde Stream - Go to Old Varde Stream for a walk or a fishing trip close to Billund
A fishing trip at Old Varde Stream might be an experience of a lifetime
The course of Old Varde Stream was in 2010 changed, so it now follows its original course. And in the 2011 season no less than 143 salmon and sea trouts were caught in these waters. Old Varde Stream can, when the water level is high, remind you of a river with strong currents and deep lots. So the stream is challenging even for experienced fishers.
You find Old Varde Stream about a half hour's drive from Billund - close to Kvie Sø (Kvie Lake). There are several good parking opportunities along the stream. Coming from Billund, it is recommended to park in the car park at the end of Kanalvej.
Remember that all anglers between 18 and 65 must have a valid fishing license to fish in the Danish waters. Fishing licenses can be purchased at www.fisketegn.dk, at the post office in the supermarket, SuperBrugsen, in Billund or at McNab Hunting and Fishing, Trehøjevej 31, 7200 Grindsted, tel. +45 7532 0622.
In addition to the compulsory license, you also need a fishing card if you want to fish in waters that are rented out to local angling associations. In the Billund area, it is Grindsted Sports Fishing Association that handles the sales of fishing cards. The fishing cards are only sold online at Grindsted Sports Fishing Association.