The Restaurant Det Glade Vanvid in Viborg
Enjoy dinner at restaurant Det Glade Vanvid in the design hotel Peak12 in the centre of Viborg. Here, the Koch Brothers serve a complete restaurant experience in tastefully decorated and informal surroundings.
Your night begins with a bubbly welcome in the form of a glass of sparkling wine accompanied by the appetizer of the season. Every individual guest is catered to in order for everyone be able to lean back and fully enjoy the wonderful atmosphere and a night of gastronomical wonders.
A Complete, Gastronomical Experience
An evening at Det Glade Vanvid starts at 6:30 p.m. when the doors open. It continues with the menu of the season which changes every other month – and every time, it is created through inspiration from and respect for the ingredients when they are the most flavourful. You will find seven different wines at the ad libitum wine bar, which is included in the price of the evening.