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Urban Sports Festival Aarhus

Urban Sports Festival Aarhus is a festival where you can participate in street sports, fun activities and sports while enjoying the great festival atmosphere. The festival takes place on Aarhus Ø during Aarhus Festuge in September around Bassin 7, Pier 3 and Pakhus 77.

Over the three days, you can experience a variety of sports, primarily in the field of street sports. In 2023, the programme included wakeboarding, break, paddle tennis, parkour, climbing and a World Cup in Bike Trials.

You can also watch trained athletes perform spectacular tricks and wild moves, where you can try your hand at open sessions.

Enjoy the festival atmosphere

Throughout the festival you can experience, taste and listen to the great festival atmosphere - 'Death Diving', music, side events and delicious food stalls.

Urban Sports Festival Aarhus is free and open to all and the programme for 2024 will be announced during the summer of 2024.

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