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Vilsted Lake

Vilsted Lake is a beautiful and peaceful lake surrounded by scenic surroundings, serving as an oasis for visitors.

Vilsted Lake Project

In 1998, the restoration of Vilsted Lake was decided upon as part of the Water Environment Plan II to reduce the leaching of primarily nitrogen into the Limfjord. Wetlands are effective in removing nitrogen as nitrogen-rich water seeps through meadows and lakes. The project was completed in 2006 and cost approximately 66 million DKK, distributed between the State, the former North Jutland County, and the Aage V. Jensen Nature Fund. The project was carried out with great cooperation from landowners, and nearly 3000 hectares of land, with a total value of 225 million DKK, changed hands in the land distribution. Today, the Aage V. Jensen Nature Fund owns the lake itself and the surrounding meadows, totaling approximately 860 hectares. The daily management is handled by the Danish Nature Agency Himmerland.

Vilsted Lake Wetland

With its 450 hectares, the lake is the largest freshwater lake in Northern Jutland. The water level in the lake is controlled by the established weir, which, through Bjørnsholm Stream, annually removes approximately 200 tons of nitrate nitrogen from the Limfjord. To limit nitrogen leaching, the meadows have been made wetter by interrupting drains and blocking drainage ditches. The Danish Nature Agency leases the meadows for grazing to ensure an exciting flora and good conditions for the many waterfowl. A 240-meter-long wooden bridge provides views over the unique natural area and allows visitors to cross the lake.


The lake surface with its islands, reed beds, willow thickets, grassy natural meadows, springs, and marshland is now home to many breeding birds and migratory birds. The bird tower on the islet or the bridge is a good starting point for birdwatching, but there are also good opportunities along the trail around the lake or from a kayak. In late summer, you can witness the "Black Sun" phenomenon when large flocks of starlings roost in the reed beds. The bird tower provides an overview of the most common birds at the lake, and a similar overview can be printed from the website.


Get close to the lake and nature on the 20 km long hiking trail around the lake. About half of the hike is on a trail with short grass, and the rest is on a combined bike/walking path with gravel, where there is also the option to push a stroller. A popular short walk is between Ranum and Vilsted.

Gear bank and kayaks

At Ranum Efterskole, 200 meters from the lake, you can rent canoes, kayaks, and other outdoor gear. Not just for use at the lake, but in the entire area. See more at www.grejbank.dk.


Read more about Vilsted Lake and the nature experiences around it.