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Virksund Camping - Autocamper

Virksund Camping - Autocamper

Virksund Camping is a quiet and very child-friendly family camping site close to Limfjorden.
The camping site has a central location for excursions to the many attractions in this region. Which presents some good opportunities for relaxing biking and hiking trips in the Skive-region. 
It is also possible to go fishing in the inlet and streams of this region.
Though if you just want to stay in Virksund Campings own charming surroundings, you can enjoy the sites free waterpark with water chutes and a separate childrens pool.

A thing to note about Virksund Camping, especially for autocampers, is that you pay a fixed rate per hour you stay in your camping lot.
This makes Virksund Camping well suited for both single night stays, or for your whole autocamping vacation.


For contacts or more information on Virksund Camping and their offers on autocamping: Virksund Camping