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WALK THE LINE - Ildsjælefodsporet Bagenkop

A 24-hour event in our common fight against cancer

WALK THE LINE is a 24-hour event in Bagenkop where the proceeds go to the national collection Knæk Cancer.

The route "Ildsjælesporet" is an approx. 3 km long route in Bagenkop. Start/finish at Bagenkop Stadium.
You participate by walking a lap, an hour or however much you can/want.

Participation: DKK 100 per person - children and young people under 18 years DKK 50.

How to participate

Meet up at Bagenkop Stadium and sign up:

It costs DKK 100 per person to register, children and young people under the age of 18 can participate for DKK 50.

You can participate by walking a lap, an hour or however much you can or want.

All participants are free to have personal sponsors, which can be a fixed amount or an amount per kilometre, per lap or per hour.