Denmark has 240 Blue Flag beaches. The Blue Flag designation means they meet a number of high environmental standards. The Blue Flag is awarded by the international organisation FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education) and a blue flag is a much sought-after designation. Check out this map of all the Blue Flag beaches in Denmark

Visiting Blue Flag beaches with your dog 

Denmark has always welcomed dogs on its beaches! The international Blue Flag organisation recommends that countries do not allow dogs onto Blue Flag beaches during peak summer months. However, Denmark allows dogs on all its beaches, all year round, as long as they are on a lead between 1st April and 30th September. From 1st April to 30th September, dogs can only swim free out in deeper water, as long as it is over the low-tide line, on non-Blue Flag beaches. Dogs are allowed to swim on Blue Flag beaches from 16th September to 31 May. 

Note: In April and from 16-30 September, dogs can only be let off the lead to swim on Blue Flag beaches over the low-tide line, as on all Danish beaches.