Where to drink wine in Denmark
Nina Højgaard Jensen of Copenhagen's Restaurant Alchemist won silver at the ASI, the world's best sommelier awards, in 2019. She's got undeniably good taste, so we asked her: where should we go for a great glass of wine in Denmark?
5 of the best places for wine in Copenhagen
Just a couple of little facts to make your head spin: Denmark is a wine-producing nation (really!) and natural or orange wine really developed because of Denmark! Follow Nina's suggestions below and click on the map to find the wine bar locations for the ultimate guided bar crawl.
Ved Stranden 10
Ved Stranden 10, in central Copenhagen, was probably one of the first real wine bars in the city. Going there on a warm summer day is highly recommended. Their wine cellar is strong, their staff are really friendly, and it's worth a little extra to sit by the canal in a sunny spot.
Den Vandrette
Den Vandrette is down by Nyhavn and specialises in light bites and natural wine. If you love orange or natural wines, they have many of the top producers, including those that can be difficult to find. The prices are reasonable and the staff know their wine!
Visiting Bar'Vin (which means 'just wine' in Danish) is like visiting an old friend. It's a favourite of mine because everything is just right. The menu includes the full range from traditional and modern to the funky, and the owner, Niels Thyge, knows what is good and just how he likes things to be.
Vinbaren Vesterbro Torv
Vinbaren Vesterbro Torv, in Vesterbro, Copenhagen, falls at the more classic end of the spectrum. It's where you'll find an extremely competent and wine-loving bunch of people, and always an interesting selection of wines by the glass. You can also find interesting natural wines here and there too.